- “熊好 臺灣時尚黑熊”使命任務 ~ “讓世界看見台灣美好 、關心環保生態、更讓世上人們 看見愛、信心與希望 !”
- 感謝熱烈支持洽詢“環保及永續解決方案”- 生物可分解材質及產品!
藝術創新 IP "熊好_臺灣時尚黑熊",獨特藝術美學筆觸,充滿思想 情感 呈現對你、對世界說話,藝術家 Lisa Lee.Hsiu 繡的熊好藝術 T-Shirt,圖案 熊好半身+抽象藝術
Spec 尺寸
Color 顏色
White, Black 白色 、黑色
Key Features
(T-Shirt Size)
Shoulder Width(a)
Body Width (b)
Body Length(c)
Neck Width (d)
Modern Formosan Black Bear(Moda T. Bear)
Personality Characters:
loyalty, kind, cute, full with creative idea, contemporary modern fashion taste, enthusiastic to help others with international perspective, easy to make friends with Chinese, Japanese, Asia and the Italian, Europe friends around the world, he have good friends of Sun Rainbow Noodle Superman and Gu La small Elephant.
Payment Details
Minimum Order:
1 Unit/Units